As a landlord, you’ve made an investment in residential real estate. When you own rental property, you want to make certain that your investment is well protected with Property or Landlord Insurance.
Landlord Insurance provides rental property owners with protection from financial loss associated with renting a single family dwelling, duplex, triplex, or condominium to tenants.
The Rental Property Insurance (Landlord Insurance) policies we offer will cover you for damages to your rental property from various causes, including fire, lightning, hail, and windstorms.
If you are sued, our Landlord Insurance policies provide coverage for Legal Fees and liability protection in the event that a tenant or guest injures themselves while on your property.
There are also other coverage options available, such as:
In addition, if you are currently between tenants, or your rental property is undergoing renovations, we have Vacant Rental Property Insurance policies available. Contact us for more information at (561) 123-1234.